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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tea Therapies the Ten Natural Healing Processes

Research shows that drinking tea benefits health. Tea has antioxidants that help fight cancer and helps fight the natural aging process. Some tea contains vitamin C that helps fight illnesses and colds. 
Polyphones found in some tea helps strengthen teeth by reducing plaque. Polyphones also help aid digestion by increasing the flow of digestive juices in the stomach. There are many healing properties of tea.

Try the following ten natural healing processes of tea therapies:

1 Green Tea:
Green tea comes in many different varieties and packs huge nutritional benefits. Green tea varieties, which are the most popular in Asia, include Jasmine Green Tea, Jasmine Dragon Pearl, Green Peony Tea and Roasted Japanese Green Tea. 
All green tea is high in both nutrients and minerals. After green tea is picked, it is dried using hot air. The tea leaves are then pan fried, but not fermented. When tea is not fermented, it helps preserve the nutrients and vitamins found naturally in tea leaves.  
Also, green tea contains vitamin C. Vitamin C helps to naturally boast the immune system and promotes overall good health. Fluoride is also found naturally in green tea. This serves to strengthen bones and prevents dental decay.

2 Oolong Tea:
Oolong tea is known for aiding indigestion and by lowering cholesterol levels in the body. Oolong tea is made from large, mature trees and produces a full-bodied taste. 
The leaves are semi-fermented and after being picked, are left to wither, which removed moisture. Semi-fermentation happens after the leaves are left in the shade. 
Oolong tea has a pleasant aftertaste and a sweet, but fruity aroma. Some varieties of Oolong tea include Jasmine Oolong Tea, Ice Peak Oolong Tea, Hairy Crab Oolong Tea and WUYI Rock Tea.

3 White Tea:
White tea is made by using very young tea leaves that are still covered in down. The leaves are not fermented. Instead, they are steamed and dried in the sun. Because of the lack of fermentation, white tea contains a high concentration of chemical compounds, which are known to help fight cancer. 
Because the leaves are still downy, the brewed tea has a silver-white appearance. It has a sweet aroma and fresh flavor. White tea varieties include Silver Needle, White Peony, and Jasmine Silver Needle.

4 Black Tea:
Black tea blends are most popular in the Western world and are used in English tea blend. After the leaves are picked, the leaves go through full fermentation that makes the leaves darken to almost black. Black tea can taste different, too. It can be flowery, fruity, and spicy or even have a nutty taste. 
Black tea, which contains antioxidants, is known for lowering the risk of stroke and helps reduce clotting of the arteries. Black tea varieties include Black Tea, Rose Black Tea, English Breakfast Black Tea and Earl Grey Black Tea.

5 Chamomile Tea:
Chamomile tea, which is considered a floral tea, has a very aromatic, fruity flavor and is a member of the daisy family. This tea is known for helping aid with toothaches, insomnia, muscle cramps, and can help reduce the swelling of skin irritations.

6 Rosebud Tea:
Rosebud tea is another floral tea. It is made using rosebuds of a rose bush. The tea has a very sweet, floral aroma and a light, sweet taste. Often, rosebud tea is brewed with other types of tea. The essential oils in rosebud tea can help aid circulation.

7 Wild Holy Tea:
Wild Holy tea is has a bitter taste and is often used for medicinal purposes rather that the taste. This type of tea has show to help detoxify the body, aid in blood circulation and digestion and with regular consumption has been show to help control blood pressure and obesity.
8 Milk Tea: 
Milk Tea, and Indian black tea mix with spices, is the most popular tea in India and Sri Lanka. It is usually brewed with milk and spices, such as cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger. Milk tea added with other types of tea, such as green tea helps aid in overall health.

9 Red Tea:
Research has shown that this type of tea, which is grown in Africa, is rich in antioxidants and has a high level of antioxidants. Red Tea is also caffeine-free. This kind of tea has proven to help boost the immune system. Varieties of this tea include Florida Orange Red Tea, Organic Cape Red Tea, Organic Green Red Tea and Organic Green Summer Red Tea.

10 Paraguay Mate:
This type of tea is very popular in South America. The tea is brewed with spices and drinking with a straw from a gourd. The tea is used to aid many health benefits including aiding in depression, aiding digestion, and boosting energy levels.

When Detoxifying your Body the Ten Things you must Watch

Body detoxification is often touted for its natural way of giving restored vitality, mental clarity, clear skin and a stronger immune system. But, when eliminating the body of “toxins” it can be dangerous.

Detoxification, which has been used for thousands of years around the world, involves resting and cleaning out the body. It is said that by removing and eliminating the toxins within the body, it can help protect from disease and boost health. During detoxification, impurities from the blood and liver are removed. A detoxification program removes toxins in the body such as environmental toxins, results from poor diets, and toxins in the body resulting from excessive use of drugs and alcohol. Detoxification treatments range from consuming special foods like brown rice and organic fruits and vegetables to herbal cleansing mixtures, to colonic irrigation.

As with any medical program, a doctor should be consulted before starting. In addition, there are some precautions to take before undergoing a diet detoxification. There are side affects and certain groups of people should not use detoxification programs at all. The following are ten things to watch for when detoxifying your body and a list of those who should not detoxification at all.

1 Children and Elderly:

 It is generally agreed that detoxification should not be performed on children or the elderly. Children and elderly are not good candidates for detoxification. A doctor should be consulted first. Teenagers need good nutrition and diets that involve fasting deplete needed nutrition. Some diets such as detoxification can become addictive. Those with eating disorders should not attempt detoxification. Many elderly are already experiencing an inadequate immune system and should not undergo a detoxification program. People with diabetes or low blood sugar should also not attempt detoxification programs.


 2 Pregnant & Nursing Mothers:

 Women who are pregnant or nursing should not undergo a detoxification program. Detoxification depletes the body of many important nutrients important to pregnant mothers and those who breastfed. In addition, if using herbs, consult a doctor. There are many natural herbs that should not be used during pregnancy.


3 Prescription Drugs:

 Those who take prescription medication should not detoxification their body without seeking medical advice. While a detoxification program may enhance the body’s ability to metabolize medicine, it is possible that residues of medicine taken in the past can be stored in the fat cells. During the detoxification program, those residues may enter the blood stream.


4 Headaches:

Because a detoxification program often calls for fasting or taking in herbal mixtures, the lack of nutrients in the body can cause severe headaches.


5 Fatigue:

Depleting the body of its natural nutrients can cause fatigue in those who detoxify. Detoxification programs often do no provide enough protein and nutrients to keep energy levels at a normal range.


6 Nausea:

 Herbal mixtures and fasting can often cause vomiting or nausea. If not treated, vomiting can lead to dehydration.


7 Bowel Problems:

Detoxification or crash dieting can cause severe bowel problems ranging from diarrhea to stomach cramping. This can also lead to dehydration.


8 Death:

Death, possibly from detoxification triggering a heart attack, has been reported for some undergoing intensive detoxification programs. Those fatalities were linked to previous health conditions such as drug abuse and undetected heart problems


9 Spread of Infection:

 Those who choose to detoxification their body through colonic irrigation should be aware of the risk of spreading infections to the intestinal tract. There is also a danger of puncturing the bowel from this procedure. During irrigation, up to fifteen gallons of water or herbal mixtures are fed into the colon. The colon is rinsed and the result comes out of another tube. There is research to suggest that this procedure is neither safe nor helpful to the body.


10 Loss of Nutrients:

Another way to detoxification the body is through fasting. Some programs call for fasting, or going without solids for anywhere from a day to a week. The only things entering the body are water and juice. Those who say this method is beneficial report that during fasting, fat cells and toxins burn away. Medical experts say that some toxins are stored in fat cells, but that through a healthy diet and regular exercise, the toxins are not harmful. Fasting really depletes the body of vital nutrients and calcium.

Vitamins and Minerals can Slow the Aging Process

As we grow older, we often wish we could turn back the clock and have the vitality of your younger days.  Hormonal changes turn down our inner “thermostat” which results in a change of hormone levels.  This is thought to be the primary cause of aging.  The first goal would be to replace hormonal levels to the level of a healthy young adult.  Then there our cell receptor sensitizers that help rejuvenate the thermostat in our brains.  Let’s review a few of them and what they will do.

If you are experiencing an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone levels this can cause depression, fatigue, mood swings, memory loss and unexplained weight loss. There are several over the counter, natural ways to increase your hormonal level especially in women.  The soy product has been used extensively to help balance hormone levels.  There are also creams on the market that provide extra hormones when they are absorbed in the skin. 

Free radicals pose one of the greatest threats to our health as we progress into the twenty-first century.  What are free radicals and what do they do?  Free radicals are renegade, unstable oxygen molecules that collide with other particles and tissues in our bodies.  This causes a burst of light on impact.  They seek out other molecules to combine with in order to gain stability.  Some free radicals are good for you because they enable you to fight inflammation, kill bacteria, and help control the tone of your smooth muscles.  These muscles help regulate the workings of your internal organs.  When there are too many free radicals in your body, they run wild attacking not only unhealthy but also healthy parts of the body.  This causes such diseases as heart disease and cancer.

Antioxidants have been found to be a successful shield against these free radicals.  They alter cancer growth and act as anticarcinogens.  Antioxidants are chemical substances that donate an electron to a free radical and convert it to a molecule that is harmless.  Antioxidants intercept free radicals to keep them from damaging blood vessel membranes.  This helps the flow of blood to the heart and brain and can against cancer causing damage.  Fruits, vegetables, and grains are rich sources of antioxidant vitamins and minerals.

Carnosine is an important amino acid and natural antioxidant found in high amounts in the brain, lens of the human eye and muscle tissue.  It’s capable of protecting cell membranes and cell structures.  It is effective against muscle fatigue, reducing stress, hyperactivity, and helping sleep patterns.

Lycopene is another antioxidant that we have seen a lot of on television lately.  The richest source of lycopene is in tomatoes and tomato products.  Aging reduces levels of lycopene in the blood.  Lycopene is needed in organs such as the adrenal glands, prostate, liver colon, and testes.  It appears that lycopene is a protection against cancer in the digestive tract.

Lypoic acid is a co-factor in the conversion of carbohydrates to energy as well as an antioxidant.  This acid is both water and fat-soluble and can eliminate free radicals in the water compartment of a cell and protects against oxidation.  It breaks down sugars so that energy can be produced and is one of the most important antioxidants.  It’s called the universal antioxidant because it is able to quench free radicals both in water and fat cells.

Xanthones have strong antioxidant effects on the nervous system but it also is a bitter compound and is known to produce agreeable and delightful feelings.  It is a great benefit to those who suffer from depression and acts to reduce appetites and obsessions.  It produces a series of hormonal reactions that triggers the release of dopamine in the pleasure centers of the brain.  Dopamine is an energizing neurotransmitter, which can increase or decrease output by brain cells causing a domino effect.  Dopamine helps stimulate the pituitary glad that releases growth hormone and improving the immune response.  It also helps stimulate brain activity no matter what the age.  Dopamine is known to decrease with aging.  Blueberries are considered a big part of reversal in motor dysfunction that occurs with aging and dopamine deficiency.

Vinegar’s Uses in Natural Remedies

Vinegar is essentially, sour wine. It is not only a useful ingredient in the kitchen, but also aids in natural health remedies. There are several different types of vinegar. These include white distilled vinegar, apple vinegar, cider, and wine vinegar. Vinegar has been used as natural remedies for over 10,000 years.  Over the years, vinegar has been made using molasses, sorghum, fruits, berries, honey and even beer. Vinegar is made by fermentation of natural sugars to alcohol then to vinegar.

Today, vinegar is still produced and used as it has in the past. Today there are many more types of vinegar, especially specialty types including balsamic, rice, rice wine, raspberry, pineapple and flavored vinegars.

Apple cider vinegar is one of the oldest and most useful types of vinegar available on the market. Cider or apple cider vinegar is made from a two-part fermentation process from the juices of apples.  It has a high vitamin content of vitamin C, E, A, B1, B2, b6, proto-vitamin, and beta-carotene. Apple cider vinegar also contains many minerals and trace elements such as potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, iron and magnesium.

Although most people do not enjoy the taste of apple cider vinegar, it has been shown to help relieve the symptoms of allergies from pollen, food and pets. It can cure sinus infections and help treat acne, high cholesterol, sore throats and can help with arthritis. It is traditionally suggested that the best way to take apple cider vinegar is to drink it. The recommended dosage is to add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to eight ounces of water with added honey to improve taste. This should be taken three times a day.

Cider vinegar can also help alleviate the symptoms of a sore throat. Cider vinegar and honey mixed in equal amounts helps clear the congestion in the throat.  Another use for cider vinegar is to drink the cider mixed with one to two teaspoons of honey. This works for some people who suffer from arthritis and rheumatism. Also, people who suffer from chronic fatigue can drink cider vinegar with water to help treat low-grade fevers.

White vinegar is another type of vinegar that can be used to treat symptoms naturally. It can also be used to help remedy the symptoms of a sore throat. Mixing one tablespoon of white vinegar with eight ounces of warm water will help. Use the gargle every hour and swallow after gargling. Vinegar can also be added to a vaporizer with water or to a large pot of water. Inhaling the steam can help with chest congestion.

Rubbing white vinegar can also be used for treating minor cuts, abrasions, itchy rashes and insect stings or bites and can even help alleviate the sting from a jellyfish. It might also be beneficial in treating minor sunburns. In addition, white vinegar can help treat athlete’s foot, by changing the ph levels in the skin. Try soaking the entire foot in vinegar three days in a row.
White vinegar is also a natural remedy to relieve dry, itchy skin and dandruff. Adding two tablespoons of vinegar to a bath helps skin, while rinsing hair with a half of cup of vinegar and two cups of water after shampooing can help fight dandruff.
Toenail fungus can be treated with white vinegar in much of the same way. Using a cotton ball soaked with white vinegar rub the infected area several times a day.

Additionally, with daily ingestion of any vinegar, use caution. Regular ingestion of vinegar might cause harm to dental enamel. It is suggested that when taking vinegar by mouth, it is best to always drink it with water, and rinse your mouth out immediately, but do not brush right away, as this may cause further damage. Also, it is suggested to use a straw to prevent the mixture from coating the teeth.  The use of vinegar is also very acidic and may cause heartburn.

Research shows that vinegar because of its acidic nature, vinegar is self-preserving and has an indefinite shelf life. It does not need refrigeration. White distilled vinegar will remain almost unchanged over a long period of time. Some vinegar may show change such as developing sediment or becoming hazy, but this does not affect the usefulness of the vinegar.

Ten Uses for Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is the essential oil steam from a plant unique to Australia and Northern New South Wale. Tea tree oil is unique because it contains over 100 components and can be used for a wide variety of purposes. Research has shown that tea tree oil can be used for as an antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral property,

Tea tree oil can be used naturally for the following purposes:

Athletes Foot:
Athletes foot is commonly known to grow in warm, moist areas between the toes and the sides and soles of feet. It is highly infectious and spreads quickly in locker and shower rooms. Tea tree oil has been shown to treat a wide range of fungal infections and symptoms, including athlete’s foot.

To eliminate athlete’s foot is recommended to wrap the shoes affected in plastic warp and place in freezer overnight to kill the germs. Wash the socks separately and add two capfuls of tea tree oil to the wash. In addition apply two to three drops of tea tree oil to the affected area on the feet. Continue to do this daily.

Treat Cold and Flu:
 Cold and flu symptoms can be treated by using tea tree oil. For sore throats, it is recommends to add ten drops of tea tree oil to a cup of warm water and gargle. Do this twice a day. This treatment will help clear mucus and kill bacteria.

Adding about ten drops of tea tree oil in a vaporizer will help clear chest and nasal congestion. Using this treatment at the onset of symptoms will aid in killing germs and bacteria.

Oral Thrush:
Oral thrush is a fungal infection of the mouth. It is very common in babies and children. Thrush can be treated using tea tree oil.  Make a mouthwash using one capful of tea tree oil to twelve ounces of water. Gargle and rinse for three times a day. You can also apply two to three drops of the oil on the toothbrush to help kill the germs.

Toothaches and gum infections:
While waiting for a dental appointment, tea tree oil can help alleviate the symptoms of toothaches. Apply tea tree oil directly to the infected area. The oil will penetrate the gums and help kill the bacteria causing the pain.

Cold Sores and Canker Sores: 
Both cold sores and canker sores can be treated with tea tree oil by applying the oil directly to the sore two times a day. For sores in the mouth make a rinse using two capfuls of oil and gargle twice a day.

Head Lice:
Head lice or louse can be treated by adding ten drops of tea tree oil to shampoo. The hair and scalp should be wet and lathered thoroughly. Use a fine toothed- comb before shampoo is rinsed off. Avoid direct contact with eyes when washing hair with tea tree oil. This method should be use several times along with treating the house and all of the infected bedding. Tea tree oil can be added to the wash when washing the sheets and bedding.

Insect Bites:
A drop or two of tea tree oil can be applied directly onto an insect bite or sting to help alleviate swelling, itching and redness.

Skin Irritations and Sunburns:
Using several drops of tea tree oil added to bath water can help reduce the swelling and itching from skin irritations. In addition the same method can be used to help the symptoms of minor sunburns.

Bug Repellant:
Bugs seem to dislike tea tree oil. The oil can be used to deter ants, roaches and other pests.  Put a few drops of the oil where the pests are coming from. You can also wipe pantries and cupboards with a mixture of water and tea tree oil and this will make the bugs leave.

 Rubbing the mattress with pure tea tree oil will help deter dust mites. A few drops of oil added directly into a vacuum cleaner bag or canister will help kill dust mites often found in carpeting.
Caution should be used when using tea tree oil around pets. It should not be used with cat, as it has proven fatal to cats that have accidentally ingested the product.